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    Common Golf Injuries And How To Avoid Them

Every golfer knows how important form is throughout the game, but what a lot of people forget to take into consideration is the injuries that can stem from the incorrect form over and over again. It can be difficult to have “perfect” form always, but consistently repeating the same mistakes can cause injuries that no one wants to deal with. We have pulled together the most common golf injuries today, and how you can work to consciously try to avoid them as best you can:

  • Lower back strain/ pain. Having pain in your lower back or actually straining it is extremely common, especially for those with pre-existing back issues (which is a lot of people, especially as you get older!) To avoid this, make sure that you are shifting your weight properly throughout your swing. If you do not shift your weight correctly you will begin to feel a strain in your lower back which can lead to worse injuries.
  • Hip strain/ pain. It can be very common for golfers to experience strains in their hips, especially after repeatedly swinging. If you tend to sway during your back swing, it can greatly affect your hips and cause issues. After your swing, make sure to stay firm and strong and avoid swaying as much as possible.
  • Wrist and hands strain/ pain. Every golfer can relate to the uncomfortable pain in your wrists and hands after a long game of golf since there is a lot required of your wrists and hands throughout the game! Try to not use excessive action in your wrist throughout your swing, as it will definitely cause strains.
  • Joint stress in your knees. Your posture is extremely important 24/7 and especially throughout your game. If you do not have proper posture and are shifting too much weight in your knees, you will experience a lot of joint stress which can lead to more serious knee injuries. Protect your knees throughout the game by focusing on your posture and ensuring your weight is shifted properly.